Stuttgart, 29.04.2014
Managing director and spokesman of terranets bw GmbH, Dr. Thomas Gößmann, will leave the company on his own accord effective 1 June 2014 to face new challenges outside of the EnBW Group.
Within his time of responsibility important milestones were set for the future of terranets bw:
the company was certified as Independent Transmission Operator (ITO) by the EU commission and basic parameters of revenue cap and efficiency factor were stipulated for the next regulatory period. During his term as managing director important decisions were made to ensure long-term security of supply in Baden-Württemberg for present and future times. This includes decisions for the construction of the Nordschwarzwald pipeline, the complete acquisition of the Donau-Bodensee pipeline as well as the integration of the underground natural gas storage in Sandhausen into the transmission system of terranets bw.
terranets bw thanks Dr. Gößmann for his personal commitment and entrepreneurial vision and wishes him every success in his future career.