The transmission of gas is an important task of terranets bw. With our extensive pipeline network, we supply energy throughout Europe around the clock. But that is by no means all that we do.
Discover more on our website about our networks for gas, for telecommunications and for the future. Explore interesting information about our offers and projects that ensure a secure and sustainable supply – today and tomorrow.
With a powerful transmission infrastructure, we ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.
With numerable development projects, we guarantee security of supply, also in the future.
Our extensive fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.
The future of energy supply is becoming a reality. While expanding renewable energies, we are securing the energy supply with natural gas. By preparing our infrastructure for the transportation of hydrogen, we are making a significant contribution to a climate-neutral energy supply. With our "H2 for BW" initiative, we are committed to connecting Baden-Württemberg to the German and European hydrogen infrastructure.