The Energy Industry Act (EnWG) has set out specific obligations for Independent Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
terranets bw has defined the binding measures for implementing these legal obligations in its Equal Treatment Programme and informed all employees.
Alexander Menges was appointed Equal Treatment Officer to independently monitor the programme.
He is comprehensively equipped with the rights and means to, among other things, work towards the non-discriminatory design and handling of the transmission system operation. As Equal Treatment Officer, he monitors compliance with the programme, gives recommendations on further development and regularly reports to the regulatory authority, in particular by means of an annual report.
Corporate compliance, i.e. observance of legal stipulations and internal corporate guidelines, significantly contributes to the success of our company. The Compliance Officer is responsible for supporting and developing the compliance organisation. As a first point of contact, he is an advisor for all questions and information pertaining to the compliance topic and implements company-wide measures to raise employee awareness.
Our Code of Conduct summarises important corporate policy principles and standards of terranets bw that all employees must be familiar with.
It gives terranets bw employees guidance on fundamental ethical and legal obligations and gives them confidence in proper conduct when, for example, dealing wtih customers, corruption topics or antitrust law.
The Code of Conduct is substantiated by corporate guidelines and instructions. This internal set of rules helps all bodies, managers and employees to behave in a responsible and lawful manner.