
Gas network

We ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.

Telecommunications network

Our fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.

Hydrogen network

We are securing the connection to the European and national hydrogen infrastructure.

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Current gas supply situation

As an operator of critical gas supply infrastructure, we would like to inform you about the current situation. 

Hydrogen initiative for BW

We are committed to connecting Baden-Württemberg to the European hydrogen infrastructure.

Emergency no. +49 711 7812 1220

Hazardous Incident Ordinance info. for Sandhaus Gas Storage Facility & Natural Gas Safety Data Sheet

Our networks: The future of energyOur networks: The future of energy

The future of energy

We are securing the supply of energy. Today and tomorrow.

Germany is on its way to climate neutrality by the year 2045,
Baden-Württemberg is aiming to reach this goal as early as 2040. terranets bw is part of this transformation, providing important support in the process – thanks to our high-performance transmission infrastructure.

Today, the natural gas transported by us is already building an important bridge into the future of energy supply. We are thus already guaranteeing security of supply during the energy transition today.

This can also be seen in increasing demand: our customers – regional suppliers, power stations and industry – report a significant increase in demand for shipping natural gas.

From the year 2030, our gas infrastructure will additionally play an essential role in transporting hydrogen and climate neutral, green gases.

We are shaping the energy system of the future

For the energy transition to succeed, an efficient transport system for molecules is needed in addition to the expansion of renewable energies. Today, natural gas ensures a reliable supply of heat and electricity - for industry, households and commerce. In the climate-neutral energy system of the future, hydrogen will be the strong partner of renewable energies. 

Demand reports show: Germany needs hydrogen

Information on the development of generation and consumption hubs is essential for the design of efficient energy grids. As part of national grid development planning, a joint, Germany-wide survey for the integrated planning of electricity and gas grids (CH4 and H2) will be carried out for the first time in 2024. The results show: Germany needs large quantities of hydrogen. The demand reports have been incorporated into the integrated network development planning of the gas and hydrogen networks. 

Find out more about current and past demand surveys 

Start signal for the nationwide hydrogen core network

The association of the cross-regional gas transmission system operators, FNB Gas e.V., including terranets bw, has been working intensively on the modelling of the core network. By the year 2032, a nationwide hydrogen network expanding over approximately 9,700 kilometers is to be created. 
The TSOs submitted a draft to the Federal Network Agency and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection in November 2023. The Federal Network Agency is now discussing this draft until the beginning of January 2024.

Discover more here: Press release in German published by the BMWK dated 15.11.2023

For a secure supply of gas and hydrogen

The hydrogen core network is just the beginning. Together with the other German transmission system operators and the regulated operators of hydrogen transport networks, we are working with the integrated gas and hydrogen network development planning to build a comprehensive hydrogen infrastructure - depending on the specific development of demand. This creates the roadmap for the necessary conversion of our energy infrastructure. 

Find out more about grid development 

State-wide survey in 2023 reveals high hydrogen demand

A broad alliance under the patronage of the State of Baden-Württemberg rolled out a campaign to identify demand for H2 . In addition to terranets bw, those involved were among others the H2BW platform, the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden Württemberg (ZSW), the Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (BWIHK) as well as further associations. Almost five hundred companies and regional grid operators participated.

Discover more

Energienetze für die Zukunft

Mit einer leistungsfähigen Transportinfrastruktur stellen wir eine zuverlässige Versorgung sicher.
In Zukunft werden wir in unserem Netz Wasserstoff transportieren.

We will be transporting hydrogen from 2029

We ensure a reliable supply with an efficient transportation infrastructure. In the future, we will transport hydrogen in our network. That is why we are making all expansion measures "H2 ready” and therefore hydrogen-compatible. The Neckarenztal pipeline, the first newly built, hydrogen-compatible gas pipeline, has been in operation since 2022. 

SEL: Central supply artery for BW

We are planning to build the hydrogen network in several stages: From 2029, the first pipelines are to be converted for transportation. From the early 2030s, the Süddeutsche Erdgasleitung (SEL), the first hydrogen pipeline with a connection to European transport routes, will become the central supply artery for hydrogen in Baden-Württemberg. By 2040, a 3,000-kilometre hydrogen network is to be created, 95 % of which will use existing gas pipelines. 

Find out more about SEL 

"Hydrogen for Baden-Württemberg" initiative

The rapid repurposing of our pipelines for hydrogen is a task that can only be achieved together with other stakeholders and is why terranets bw launched the "Hydrogen for Baden-Württemberg" initiative in 2021.

On the platform, terranets bw shares clear information about its planning, specific repurposing projects and identifies hydrogen requirements. The initiative connects stakeholders from politics, industry and society.

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We are bringing hydrogen to

Our contribution to climate neutrality by 2040: converting the existing infrastructure to ship hydrogen

By the year 2040, Baden-Württemberg aims to be climate-neutral and this means it needs hydrogen. Specific planning for the gradual conversion of the first pipeline sections to ship hydrogen is already underway: the Upper Rhine region is to gain access to the first H2 network in Baden-Württemberg via RHYn Interco from 2028, which will transport 100 % hydrogen. From 2030, the South German natural gas pipeline (SEL) is to be converted for shipping hydrogen, thus enabling large quantities of hydrogen to be transported into the Rhine-Neckar region and greater Stuttgart area. In 2035, the Lake Constance / Upper Swabia region is be been connected.

Discover more: Interview with Managing Director Katrin Flinspach about the accelerated conversion of the gas transmission system as a significant contribution to achieving the state of Baden-Württemberg´s climate targets: To the interview

On the website of its "Hydrogen for Baden-Württemberg" initiative, terranets bw transparently presents its hydrogen activities. How conversion of the existing gas infrastructure could succeed by 2040 is depicted by means of corresponding conversion paths for network transformation based on five consumption regions in Baden-Württemberg. By showing our projects in such a transparent way, we enable potential customers, upstream grid operators and potential producers to plan ahead.

Details on the consumption regions (so-called clusters) shown on the maps are available at

The master plan in numbers

First 100 % hydrogen grid in Baden-Württemberg with RHYn Interco
Connection to Rhine-Neckar region and Greater Stuttgart area
3.000 km
Our target: Hydrogen network in the year 2040
95 %
Share of existing as pipelines in the future hydrogen network

Our projects with strong partners


With the project Flow - making hydrogen happen project, the transmission system operators GASCADE, ONTRAS and terranets bw are creating a high-performance pipeline system for green hydrogen from 2025. 

Find out more: Flow - making hydrogen happen 

RHYn Interco

The Franco-German cooperation project RHYn Interco will create a transportation network for hydrogen in the Freiburg i. B. area. 

Find out more: RHYn Interco - a hydrogen project by badenova and terranets bw 

terranets bw prepares the wy for hydrogen

At terranets bw, we are consistently working on developing a hydrogen infrastructure. Besides our infrastructure, we are also contributing our knowledge in constructing, operating and controlling gas transmission networks. 

[Translate to English:] terranets bw bereitet den Weg für Wasserstoff

Discover more about our hydrogen activities in the interview with Christoph Luschnat, Hydrogen Coordinator at terranets bw, and Timo Ruoff, Expert for Technical Transformation at terranets bw.

Please contact us

We are happy to help you.

Christoph Luschnat

Head of Energy Policy
Coordinator for Hydrogen

Christoph Luschnat

+49 711 7812 1201
