
Gas network

We ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.

Telecommunications network

Our fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.

The future of energy

We are preparing our networks for the transmission of climate-neutral, green gases and hydrogen.

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Where we want to go and how we would like to develop.

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Working at terranets bw

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Internships and training

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Current gas supply situation

As an operator of critical gas supply infrastructure, we would like to inform you about the current situation. 

Hydrogen initiative for BW

We are committed to connecting Baden-Württemberg to the European hydrogen infrastructure.

Emergency no. +49 711 7812 1220

Hazardous Incident Ordinance info. for Sandhaus Gas Storage Facility & Natural Gas Safety Data Sheet

[Translate to English:] terranets bw Verantwortung Informationssicherheit[Translate to English:] terranets bw Verantwortung Informationssicherheit

Our information security policy: transparency in a secure environment.

The availability of relevant information is vital for the quality of work results. terranets bw therefore maintains a transparent information politicy. At the same time, information at terranets bw is subject to special protection against external and internal threats caused by deliberate or accidental actions.

The subject of our protective measures includes all information such as digital data on servers, mobile devices, removable media etc. that can be transmitted via networks, information in paper form, printed out or handwritten, as well as information that can be passed on orally or by telephone.

In order to protect this information, we have introduced an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that is continuously updated and developed. For the "network control / network monitoring" application area, terranets bw maintains regular certification based on IT security catalogue standards according to section 11 (1a) of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG).

Here you will find detailed information on our ISMS.

Principles of our information security

The Information Security Management System at terranets bw is based on the following principles:

1. We protect terranet´s valuable and confidential information and that of our business partners from unauthorised access across all communication interfaces ("confidentiality").

2. We protect information from unauthorised changes ("integrity").

3. We ensure access to current and necessary information as well as to supporting procedures and systems ("availability").

4. We maintain reliable and continuous operation.

5. We comply with legal and contractual requirements, in particular with the IT Security Catalogue pursuant to Article 11 (1 a) of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG).

6. Based on annual objective programmes, we have implemented a continuous and sustainable improvement process with identification, evaluation and management of existing information security risks.

7. Within the framework of the ISMS, all company values are considered, especially in the application field "Network Control / Networking Monitoring". Company values include for example business processes, information, documents and technologies or infrastructure (control systems, information and telecommunications technology, networks, etc.) as well as company locations and employees.

8. Our ISMS contributes to protecting ourselves from potential threats to our company values by using technical and organisational measures in an appropriate and economically viable way.

9. Each one of us treats the information put at our disposal with care. We report any possible threats or weak spots directly to the named places and thus contribute to continuously improving our ISMS.

The ISMS of terranets bw

The terranets bw management team strives to continually improve the ISMS and comply with legal, contractual and organisational stipulations.

Requirements for employees
and managers of terranets bw

All managers are directy responsible for implementing and complying with the principles of information security and the applicable documents of the ISMS manual within their organisational units.

Every employee is responsible for complying with the principles of information security. The ISMS manual along with all other complementary guidelines, procedural instructions and process descriptions are binding for employees and managers and serve to ensure that the information security requirements are continually fulfilled.

The regulations are therefore to be observed at all times. Should this not be possible in justified cases, a security incident is to be reported to the information security officer including the grounds for non-compliance in accordance with the process "Dealing with Security Incidents". This process serves to initiate the continuous improvement process.

Non-compliance with information security regulations may lead to disciplinary steps under labour law.

Steering of documented information

Proprietary documentation serves to secure terranets bw´s value creation and is at all times generated, updated and stored under the principles of effectiveness and economic appropriateness (efficiency). In all cases, the requirements for steering documented information in the ISMS are to be observed.

Information Security Officer

The Information Security Officer exercises a central role in the ISMS of terranets bw. He or she is responsible, in particular, for initiating and maintaining the continuous improvement process pertaining to the ISMS as well as for providing regular training for employees and managers relating to the internal ISMS regulations needed.

terranet bw´s Information Security Officer is to be consulted in questions of interpretation and in cases of doubt.

Certifications: information security

terranets bw fulfils the requirements of the regulations set out in the IT Security Catalogue pursuant to Article 11 (1a) of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) (08/2015).

In January 2024, a re-certification audit serving to test the Information Security Management System at terranets bw was conducted by independent, external auditors. Based on the audit report, the effectiveness of our management system was confirmed. terranets bw will deploy this system for further developing and improving its processes. The certificate issued is valid until 28.01.2027 and is checked by TüV Rheinland Cert GmbH annually.

IT Security Catalog Certificate (PDF)

Member of the Alliance for Cyber Security

The Alliance for Cyber Security (Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit) is an initiative of the Federal Office for Security (BSI). Information on current threat situations and practical cyber security measures are shared on the platform.
terranets bw benefits from the know-how of numerous committed partners and can thus further improve the security of its own IT infrastructure.
Further information is available at www.allianz fuer and at

Please contact us

We are happy to help you.

Hagen Seifert-Marianek

Information Security Officer

Hagen Seifert-Marianek

+49 711 7812 1210
